===== How to setup the XR Interaction Toolkit in Unity ===== Based on the VR101 workshop - [[https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNOjm7Co=/?share_link_id=683477924120|Find the workshop HERE]] **Version - 2024:** {{url>https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNOjm7Co=/?share_link_id=582342325910}} ==== Introduction ==== The goal of this documentation is to provide the basic's for how to create a VR game/ experience in Unity using the Unity's XR interaction toolkit (2022+). This tutorial is limited to Unity but do remember other game engines can be used for VR development. We recommend Unity or Unreal Engine for VR development. Make sure to read the instructions, and perform every step of this wiki to achieve a finished, playable result. If you need help with any of the steps or have a big RED error after following certain steps, let us know and feel free to ask for help from the Interaction lab team, [[Interaction-lab-eemcs@utwente.nl|Our email]]. This documentation still leaves some rocks 'unturned' as there is a lot of settings/ features within the XR Interaction Toolkit, further documentation can be found: [[https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit@2.5/manual/index.html|Further Documentation]]. ==== Requirements ==== * Hardware*: * 6DOF VR Headset (ie, Quest2, HTC Vive, Valve index etc) * A laptop/PC with a Quadro T600 or better * A 3 button mouse * Software*: * Unity Hub * Unity Editor (2022+) * [[https://www.oculus.com/download_app/?id=1582076955407037|Oculus]] * Custom Hands Package [[https://github.com/utwente-interaction-lab/VR101|Download]] ==== Code ==== Include a link to the GitHub repository where the code/ Required assets for the project are stored. Download an unzip the Unity asset * [[https://github.com/utwente-interaction-lab/VR101]]