{{ :public:main_topics:version_with_ut_logo_logo_colour_blue_text_colour_black.svg?nolink&800 |}} ===== Interaction Buttons - Chase game ===== **Version/Date: 02/12/2023** ===== Overview ===== The buttons were created for a master course, intending to deliver a new layer to an existing playground. The buttons are designed to enable the creation of interactive games using almost any programming language. ===== Setup ===== - Download the demo.exe from the GitHub - Turn on the buttons with the slider, the button should light up {{:images:buttons:button_on_off.jpg?300|}} - Insert the dongle into the computer - The display should indicate how many buttons/nodes are connected {{:images:buttons:dongle.jpg?300|}} - If not all buttons are accounted for, the configuration on the SD card does not match. - Ensure the configs match; otherwise, the buttons cannot find each other. ===== Usage ===== - Once the setup is done, start the demo.exe file by double-clicking. - The program only operates on Windows devices and not on University laptops. {{:images:buttons:screenshot_programm.png?500|}} - All buttons should turn purple. - Double-click one of the buttons to start the game. - Continue pressing the yellow button that moves around. {{:images:buttons:button_yellow_purple.jpg?300|}} - After x number of times, the buttons exhibit a rainbow effect and play a song. - Reset the game by long-pressing a button. - Check the battery level by long-pressing the button on the dongle. ===== Troubleshooting ===== - **Issue 1**: Button turns yellow. - **Solution**: Ensure the SD card is in the button. - **Issue 2**: Button keeps flashing red. - **Solution**: The config does not match with the other buttons (it cannot find the other buttons). - **Issue 3**: Display shows the wrong node count. - **Solution**: Press the button on the dongle. - **Issue 4**: Display is upside down. - **Solution**: Double-press the button on the dongle. - **Issue 5**: The exe file does not start. - **Solution_1**: You are not using Windows or your laptop blocks the file from starting (university computer). Use another laptop. - **Solution_2**: Another program is open that is connected to the dongle over serial (could be another instance of the demo). ===== Detailed Documentation ===== For more detailed documentation, visit [[public:projects:buttons_detailed_documentation|Detailed Documentation]] [[https://github.com/utwente-interaction-lab/Interaction-buttons/blob/main/Detailed%20Documentation.md|detailed documentation]]. **Max Pijnappel** ===== Extra ===== To compile your own Python code into an exe for demos, use pyinstaller. For example, `pyinstaller --onefile --name demo .\Python_Serial_Example.py` can be used, depending on the name of your Python file. [[navbar]]