Table of Contents




How to Set Up Hexoskin

Version/Date: 12/12/2023


Welcome to your new experience with Hexoskin Smart Garments! This documentation aims to guide you through the setup and use of your Hexoskin device and shirts. By the end of this guide, you should be able to set up the hexoskin smart shirt and extract data for physiological analysis.



  1. A Hexoskin Device Note: the Hexoskin device is inside the female small bag, please make sure to put it back there when done
  2. USB Charging Cable
  3. Hexoskin Smart Shirts in various sizes (Large Female, 2XS Male, XXL Male, Male Large, Female 2XL, Male Small, Female Small, Female 2XS)


  1. Hexoskin OneSync (for MacOS or Windows)
  2. Hexoskin mobile app (for Android & iOS)


  1. Glycerin Based Lubricant

Setting Up the Shirt

Charging the Device:

  1. Charge the Hexoskin device for 2 hours using the enclosed USB cable connected directly to your computer.
  2. The charging process is indicated by an orange blinking LED, which turns solid once fully charged.

Creating Your Account & Setup:

  1. Download and install Hexoskin OneSync for your operating system.
  2. Make a new account at
    1. You will be prompted to enter values like weight and height. Make sure to know these before making the account if you plan to use for yourself.
  3. Launch OneSync, and sign in with the account just made.
  4. Connect the Hexoskin device to your computer using the supplied USB cable. The device's serial number should appear.

Device Assignation & Data Sync:

  1. In OneSync, logged into your account, assign your new Hexoskin device by clicking on 'Assign' and selecting your user account.
  2. Once assigned, your username will appear under the device information. The image to the right will show it with an example UT email.

IF Computer Does Not Recognize Hexoskin Device:

  1. If your operating system is Windows, there's the possibility that Onesync will not recognize the device without downloading the appropriate drivers first. To do this:
    1. Right-click the Hexoskin inf file and press install.
    2. Once drivers are installed, restart Windows and try again.

Using the Hexoskin Smart Shirt:

  1. Place the shirt on and make sure it fits well with no wrinkles. The better the fit, the better the performance of the sensors.
  2. There are three heart sensors which require lubrication with a nickel-sized amount of glycerine-based cream to assist with better signal acquisition.
  3. The images below show the location of these sensors.
  4. Once set up and ready to record, connect the device to the shirt via the pocket on the front.
  5. Make sure that the device is placed in a horizontal position with the cable pointing upwards and the lights facing away from the body

Extracting Data to a Dashboard

My Hexoskin

One your device has been assigned to your account, go to to access your dashboard. Your dashboard should be empty due to the lack of data retrieved and should look like the following:

Hexoskin stores and manages data using two ways: Records and Activities.

These tabs can be seen in the top right hand side of your hexoskin dashboard. A record encompasses the entirety of the data captured by your Hexoskin Device, starting from the moment it is connected to your shirt until the instant it is disconnected. For example, if you connect the device to your shirt at 8:30 am and disconnect it at 10:30 am, the Record spans two hours, covering all the data gathered throughout this duration. To access these records, you must unplug your hexoskin device from your shirt and sync it through OneSync on your computer. Note that the hexoskin device itself can store up to 2400 hours worth of raw data, at which point the earliest recorded data will be overwritten.

In contrast to records, activities represent a snippet of a session that corresponds to a particular real world activity you undertook during that time frame. For example, if you go for a run, meditate or sleep, you can contextualize that data into the corresponding acitvities for hexoskin to recognize. This is best done via the app where you can choose to start or stop an acitvity.

Using the Hexoskin App

To best use hexoskin, it is recommended to download the hexoskin app from either the app or google play store. Once downloaded, login with your hexoskin account. To ensure data is sent to your dashboard properly, make sure the same account is used for and the hexoskin app. To connect the device to your phone: - -

  1. Turn on Bluetooth on your device and tap the device icon on the top right of the app.hexoskin_app.jpg
  2. Remove the device from any connection and hold the on button until a blue light pops up.
  3. Connect to device with phone.
    1. A flashing blue light indicates that the device is now recording. You can also check this by checking on the app, it should look like the following image. \\hexoskin_connecting.jpg
  4. To start an activity, tap onto the activity tab and choose the activity you wish to test. You can also make your own by tapping on start your own activity.
  5. You will now record an activity, make sure to press end activity on the app when done. You can then go review your activity on the dashboard.


This guide provides all necessary steps to set up and effectively use the Hexoskin Smart Shirt. Following these instructions will allow for users to set up their hexoskin devices to retrieve physiological data.

[Interaction Lab](