


UV Cleanbox

This UV Cleanbox is for disinfecting your equipment. It is primarily suitable for VR headsets but can also be used with other devices that fit inside such as tablets, smartphones, wearables, etc. It works by blasting the item from all directions with ultraviolet light to kill surface germs, and hot air to reduce moisture. The UV light is emitted from the central white cone, so there may still be areas where the UV light cannot reach or penetrate on your headset.

! WARNING: You should use the Cleanbox as an additional disinfection method !

That means: only use it in addition to existing protocols for hygiene and disinfections like health checklists, hand disinfectant, alcohol wipes, disposable face masks and eye masks, disposable gloves, social distancing, etc. It is not a replacement for properly disinfecting your equipment; instead the Cleanbox is an extra barrier on top of everything else to further reduce the risk of spreading the COVID virus.

The following images and instructions have been adapted from the official user manual and are also available at the Cleanbox in printed form.

There are many different sizes and shapes of VR/AR headsets available currently. To accommodate them, the cleanbox has an adjustable visor hanger platform so that you can easily adjust the up/down and front/back positions of your headset in relation to the central UV cone. This allows the lights to shine on the surfaces most needing of disinfecting and ensures that the air jets hit the most important surfaces to dry.

Center your visor properly:

  1. When looking from the front, the headset should be centered both left/right and up/down.
  2. To adjust the up/down centering, loosen the top two thumbscrews on the visor hanger and move the hanger until the visor is centered. Then tighten the thumbscrews to retain that position.
  3. When looking from the side, the visor should hang so that the edges of the visor are centered between the front and back edges of the white cone area.
  4. Be sure that the visor hangs properly around the UV cone.

Operating the cleanbox is relatively straightforward: Open the door, hang the headset on the hook, close the door, and push the silver button on the top left. A cycle will take approx. 60 seconds. After using the cleanbox don’t forget to also follow additional disinfection procedures to further reduce the risk of spreading COVID virus.

Detailed instructions are included below to fully explain what is happening at each step:

  1. Turn on the power to the unit by toggling the switch on the back of the CX1 to the '-' position.
  2. Open the front door.
  3. Turn the headset so that the rear of the headband is pointing upward.
  4. Hang the headband on the Visor Hanger inside the box. Center the strap so that the lens unit hangs straight below the central white cone of the unit.
  5. If your headset is tethered, be sure the cable tracks down through the cable notch in the bottom of the box so that the door closes properly over it.
  6. Close the door. There is a magnetic catch to ensure the door closes firmly.
  7. There is a green light lit showing through the front door of the unit at the top left. There is a silver activation button next to the green light. Push that silver button.
  8. The cleaning cycle should now be engaged. For 60 seconds, the following will occur:
    1. The green light switches off and a red light turns on. This shows you that the cleaning cycle is in progress.
    2. The accelerated air system runs for the entire 60 seconds, moving high-velocity air across all surfaces of the headset that need to be dried.
    3. The UVC lights illuminate the interior of your headset, corrupting the DNA of any viruses and bacteria there so they cannot replicate, making them unable to cause harm.
    4. Ambient RGB lights turn from deep purple to a clean blue over the course of the cycle so that you have visual indication that the cycle is progressing.
  9. After 60 seconds, the red light showing through the front door switches off and the green one is relit. The cycle is now complete.
  10. Remove the headset from the box, conduct the additional disinfections according to your study protocol in preparation for your next participant.
  11. Remember to once again close the door, and turn of the Cleanbox.